Okay...time to be honest...how many of you out there are "Trekkies"? Confession time...I started watching Star Trek back in the late 60's when I was only 11 or 12. For many years I was satisfied with old re-runs, and have seen my share of "The Next Generation", "Star Trek Voyager", "Deep Space Nine", and "Enterprise". Also have my share of the movies (but will admit that some were much better than others). And today, May 8, 2009 the latest version of the franchise will be unleashed upon the public.
I have always been fascinated by Science Fiction. Love those old Hollywood movies of the 50's and 60's...so campy and technically unrealistic, yet thought provoking. But it was Gene Roddenberry who caught my attention with Star Trek. You see, Gene's vision for the future was two-fold. First, he was banking on the premise that YES, there would be a future for man, and two, that it would be better than today.
What I'm leading up to is this...as a poor, finite human being, limited in scope by my own thinking, education, and background, I still realize that there is so much we don't know or can't comprehend. Space is vast, beyond human comprehension. Yet, when the day is done, here we are, stuck on this orb we call earth, waiting for something amazing to awaken us.
As so, since it is Friday after all, I offer this little poem for your amusement and your contemplation. And as you are sitting in the movie theater this weekend watching Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise hurtle through the cosmos once again, just remember this...you're not alone...
My Mind's Eye
Seek me not, for I'm not here,
I'm off to worlds both far and near.
Seeking, searching, reaching far,
Traveling to the farthest star.
Faster than the speed of light,
My mind's eye looks out each night.
To see beyond th ereach of man,
In search of that elusive land.
To leave behind all Mankind's sorrow,
Pain and suffering; no tomorrow.
All left behind, my mind is free,
No earthly woes to bother me.
But rise with me and take my hand,
We'll journey to that distand land.
Kindred spirits, you and I,
Together always we shall fly.
But back by morning you shall be,
Mortal once again to see;
The world you have, the world you hold,
Is yours again to shape and mold.
But if you ever feel the need,
Just trust your heart and then take heed;
To find and love a friend so rare,
Just close your eyes, and I'll be there.
In the immortal words of Mr. Spock,
Live Long and Prosper