Tuesday, March 10, 2009

To Err is human...

Ever made a mistake? Error in judgement? Forgot or missed something really important? I was recently reminded just how "human" we really are. Part of my job is doing the company payroll. And I learned a long time ago that you just don't screw up someone's payroll. May seem like a small problem to you, but may mean the difference between paying or not paying a bill to someone else. Well, long story short, I made a mistake on not one, but several people's payroll, and now am paying for my mistakes. I don't mind telling you that it is a humiliating and humbling experience to try and explain to someone how and why YOU made a mistake that impacts THEIR lives.

Needless to say I've been depressed for the past few days as I learn to correct my mistakes and cope with the feelings of guilt. The experience reminded me of one of my favorite Bible characters, David. David was an amazing man in my eyes...as a boy he was a shepherd, willing to put his life on the line to protect his sheep. As a teenager, he stood up to a giant when older, better trained and better equipped men refused. He became a great warrior and leader, and eventually became king. Yet, he too was human and was prone to mistakes and errors in judgement.

As king, David could have had anything his heart desired...unfortunately, his desire fell upon another man's wife, Bathsheeba. David's lust led to the murder of Uriah, Bathsheeba's husband, and to the death of his own child from his union with Bathsheeba. You may think that your mistakes only involve you, but all too often many others will feel the effects of our mistakes. David needed to be reminded that he was all too human, and that there are consequences for our actions. Yet, through it all, God reminded David that he was a man after God's own heart...willing to acknowledge his mistakes...willing to ask forgiveness...willing to trust in God to see him through his short-comings.

So where does this leave us? Still human...still prone to errors...still able to make mistakes that effect not only ourselves, but others. But above all, it leaves us at the mercy of God and his amazing grace. His unconditional love says that he loves us, not because of what we can do for him, not because we are prone to mistakes and errors, but simply because we are. He loves us in spite of all our human frailties, and offers us a second chance, time and time again.

Ever made a mistake? It would be in-human not to. But there is hope for us accident prone beings. We are all human, and we will all make mistakes and errors in judgement. Isn't it comforting to know that God will continue to love us, mistakes and all?! :-)

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